Super Inspired by Femstreet Channel Guide.

Default Channels

<aside> 👉 Please select the most appropriate channel for your post and only post it once.



looking for anything? need feedback on a design? looking for some peps for customer interviews? Ask away!


Admins post Wiress updates, news, tips, etc.


promote events & meet-ups.


share a pitch deck and/or fundraising details (if possible, summary of company, funding round, raise amount, use of proceeds and key contact).


A personal celebration channel! Pet pics are welcomed.


  1. your initial intro! 2) looking for an intro Wiress to someone or looking for a specific intro someone might have (maybe a mutual Linkedin connect?) Throw it in intro and see who bites!


opportunities for hire.


a directory of our community!


We'd love to promote a resource sharing environment, so if someone asks something and maybe you know the answer, support them in discovering more about it and send along some resources that can support them! Also, naturally help 'em out!


is for general resources about the entrepreneurship ecosystem that can be helpful in our journey of learning! Share anything at anytime.


found a cool company? bring it to our v-scouts attention we'll follow up and see how we can engage them. We can have AMAs, job position postings, adds to the Airtables... literally anything.


Use this channel to hype up each other’s posts/events that are Wiress related!

<aside> 🌃 There are also channels for cities/states such as TX, Mass, NY, SF, and Chicago.
